
How to Strike the Golf Ball on an Uneven Lie

Wherever you enjoy the game of golf, you will always face sloping lies, and then there are some golf courses where that is the only shot you can expect to play.  Whether the ball is below or above the feet, or an uphill or downhill lie, you must make swing action adjustments.  The most significant obstacle you'll have to do creating this golf shot properly would be to maintain balance, and we are very mindful that correct balance is a factor to keeping a consistent swing.

What really helps keep us in balance when we're negotiating these tricky shots?  The same things you must do to maintain your equilibrium in almost any situation.  Foot position, physical posture and keeping the shoulders at the correct angle with your head relatively still are the things you must understand as to the way they connect with superior balance.  This is how you should deal with the following situations:

1.    Side hill lie uphill.  When the golf ball will be uphill to your feet, you'll have to lean in the direction of the golf ball.  If you do not lean forward you will probably fall backwards in or following the swing.  Of course if you lean ahead you're going to be closer to the golf ball, therefore choke up on the golf club a bit to compensate.  Also, because you will be trying harder to maintain equilibrium it will be more difficult to fire the golf club through the golf ball, so position your golf ball a bit back in the stance, making it a "hook lie".

2.    Side hill downhill lie.  Having the golf ball below your feet, to help keep your balance you have to lean back a little bit, or sense that you're sitting down.  This will certainly take you farther from your golf ball during the golf swing, so stand somewhat closer to your ball.  Complete your practice swing on the hill position to get an idea of the place that the golf club hits the ground.  Aim to the left, as hitting on the downslope will probably give a fade.
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3.    Uphill lie.  It will take some adjustments, but for the four shots on a sloping surface this may be the least complicated.  The very first general rule is "swing with the slope"; simply put shoulders, hips and knees are going to be aligned with the incline.  Hence you are not battling your body throughout the golf swing; visualize swinging the club within the trajectory in the slope.  Spot the ball somewhat forward of normal and use additional club, as the golf ball will fly not as long and higher.

4.    Downhill lie.  This for a lot of is usually a really hard shot.  Much like on the uphill lie, line up the shoulders, hips and knees with the slant, and swing with the slope.  During the swing action keep the weight frontward, and since the shot is going to be a bit more "punched" with lower trajectory, employ additional loft on the golf club.

All of these situations add a bit more difficulty to the golf shot, but they're a part of golf.  You'll need to know the way to execute them to be able to play your best.

